Personal Data/Data Protection


Personal Data/Data Protection

It is now a common understanding in business that the active use of personal data for businesses, such as the analysis and use of customer data through AI and global human resource management, will have a significant impact on corporate business activities. On the other hand, as the awareness of privacy has increased to an unprecedented level worldwide, regulations on data protection in Japan and other countries have also expanded dramatically, with the data regulations becoming increasingly strict and complex. In such a business environment, it is paramount for businesses to understand the relevant data protection legislation, including Japan's Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and to comply with the latest updates in a timely manner.

As the forerunner of the truly international law firm in Japan, we provide high quality legal advice on personal data and data protection matters. Our services include legal advice regarding transactions using personal data, drafting and review of privacy policies and corporate personal data processing rules, compliance with amendments to applicable laws and regulations, and responses to cyber security incidents such as data breach incidents. Furthermore, we regularly provide legal advice for data regulation compliance in Japan, Europe, the United States, China, Southeast Asia, India, Brazil, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and worldwide, taking full advantage of the wide knowledge and deep expertise in our regional offices around the world, and our international network forged over many years.


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