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The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021
安德森•毛利•友常律师事务所在The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021中获得高度好评,我们的部分律师被分别评选为各自业务领域的“领先律师(Leading Individual)”, “明日之星(Next Generation Partners)”以及荣登“名人堂(Hall of Fame)”。

Antitrust and Competition (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 中野 雄介 Vassili Moussis

Banking and Finance (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 赤羽 贵
Hall of Fame: 高桥 宏明

Capital Markets (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 舩越 辉
Hall of Fame: 柴田 弘典

Corporate/M&A (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 小馆 浩树若林 刚户仓 圭太

Dispute Resolution (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 古田 启昌
Hall of Fame: 若林 弘树
Next Generation Partners: 井上 葵

Fintech (Tier2)
Leading Individual: 河合 健

Intellectual Property (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 中町 昭人
Hall of Fame: 城山 康文 岩濑 吉和

Investment Funds (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 中野 春芽森下 国彦

Labour and employment (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 角山 一俊嘉纳 英树今津 幸子

Projects and Energy (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 赤羽 贵
Hall of Fame: 高桥 玲路

Real Estate and construction (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 伊藤 哲哉
Hall of Fame: 小林 穣

Restructuring and Insolvency (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 上田 裕康三村 藤明坂井 秀行

Risk management and investigations (Tier 2)
Leading Individual: 木川 和宏三宅 英贵

Tax (Tier 1)
Hall of Fame: 仲谷 荣一郎藤田 耕司
Next Generation Partners: 田中 良

TMT (Tier 1)
Leading Individual: 中町 昭人岩濑 吉和后藤 未来