Yuri Shindo

Yuri Shindo



Mar 2008 Doshisha University (LL.B.)
Mar 2011 Waseda Law School (J.D.)
Apr 2012 - Jun 2016 Worked for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (seconded to Japan Patent Office and Japan Fair Trade Commission)
2016 - 2017 The Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
Jun 2022 - Jun 2024 Worked for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (seconded to Headquarters for Digital Market Competition and Japan Fair Trade Commission)


A study of Screening Approach as a Tool to Detect Violations of the Antimonopoly Law Japan Fair Trade Commission, Competition Policy Research Center (CPRC) Reports
Jun 2016
A study of Systems for Exclusive Licenses Japan Patent Office Reports
Feb 2014
A study of Patent Act Article 35 Japan Patent Office Reports
Feb 2014

Professional Admissions

  • Japan (2017)

Professional and Academic Associations

  • Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association


  • Japanese (first language)
  • English